Monday, January 13, 2014

The weight of my tears

The Weight of my tears.

To lean on ones back
so advanced in years,
to crumble and crack
'neath the weight of my tears.

Why would I burden one
tethered to his fears
and would drown in a pool
'neath the weight of my tears?

His pain is what's valid
not others it appears,
when I try to share
the weight of my tears.

Crying alone to own the hurt
quiet the sound, and quiet his ears,
that he not be alerted to
the weight of my tears.

Turned now to silence
sorrow to angry leers,
for the calluses to form
'neath the weight of my tears.

Loneliness and sorrows
grown heavy over years,
this heart pressed to stone
'neath the weight of my tears...

----------MeriKae Leavitt2013

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