Wednesday, March 14, 2012

 Arrow of light arrow gift from the troop to the Cub-Scout this was made from rabbit fur found at Micheal's and the arrow as purchased from the Scout store then get some leather lace feathers and beads and add the decorations and the pelt is for the Scout to put all of his Cub awards on for display.
My DH tore down a piece of paneling downstairs in my old house, for me to do this little number for the space theme scouting event.

My son's and my pinewood derby car(if you are wondering what mine is it is wolverines fist) and the quick easy trophies that I threw together to make the Scout's car become the trophy, on the front was written the award that they won. Easy shmeasy so i don't think you need directions just copy the pix, but i will tell you that the dowels across the roads held the wheels in place so you have to look kind of closely..

I also made a pinnate and some lil wooden neckerchief ties and the boxes for the gifts and the awards were made out of streamers.

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